Eat that frog - Summary

Explore key insights from Brian Tracy’s "Eat That Frog" and discover practical strategies to enhance productivity and combat procrastination in our latest blog post. Whether you're an aspiring engineer, a hobbyist, or someone struggling with procrastination, learn how to prioritize tasks effectively and manage your time with efficiency.
Eat that frog - Summary


As someone always looking to learn new ways to boost productivity , I’ve often crossed paths with the works of Brian Tracy. His writings and a handful of inspirational videos have intrigued me. I had heard the expression “eat that frog” tossed around in conversations and across various productivity forums, but never truly understood what it meant. It was time to find out how this quirky-sounding advice could help me tackle procrastination.

The book is structured around 21 practical tips that aim to help readers prioritize tasks and manage their time efficiently. Tracy emphasizes the importance of tackling your most significant, most daunting task first—your ‘frog’—and getting it out of the way to ensure productivity isn’t hampered by dread or avoidance.


All the 21 key strategies from the book are impactful, such as setting priorities, deadline management, and the importance of completing tasks in order of importance, but here are few that i really liked.

  1. Plan Every Day in Advance: With a diverse set of interests and responsibilities, planning can be crucial for you. Organizing your day can make a significant difference in managing both your creative projects and your professional tasks efficiently.

  2. Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything: As someone transitioning into UX engineering and managing complex projects, this strategy helps me focus on tasks that yield the most significant results, thus maximizing the impact of the efforts I put in both my career and personal projects.

  3. Prepare Thoroughly Before You Begin: Preparation is key to success, in either your technical or creative endeavors. Whether it’s something like setting up for a UX project or preparing your tools for a woodworking session, thorough preparation can increase your productivity and ease the process.

  4. Take It One Oil Barrel at a Time: This point resonates well with the detailed and sometimes overwhelming projects we undertake, be it in tech or crafting something artistic. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable parts can prevent feelings of overwhelm and promote a sense of achievement as you complete each segment.

  5. Upgrade Your Key Skills: Continuous learning and skill enhancement are vital in any field today. This strategy can be used to discuss the importance of staying updated with the latest trends, technologies, and methodologies to remain competitive and effective in your field.

  6. Create Large Chunks of Time: Especially important for anybody that works on something where deep focus is needed to solve complex problems or to craft something meticulously. This strategy can help you manage time effectively to ensure quality in both your professional tasks and personal projects.

Challenges and Results

Implementing these strategies has not been without its challenges. Initially, sticking to a planned schedule was difficult; the creative process can be unpredictable, and technological projects often have unexpected complications. The discipline of planning every day and breaking down tasks sometimes felt restrictive.

However, the results have been undeniably positive. Structured planning has led to a more efficient workflow, and it feels like I complete projects faster and with higher quality. The approach of tackling tasks one at a time usually reduces the stress that comes with large, looming projects and has increased my overall satisfaction.


The strategies, although sometimes challenging to implement in the unpredictable realm of creative work, have overall boosted my productivity and efficiency. Particularly, the concept of tackling the most significant task first has been difficult but a great habit to form.

I highly recommend “Eat That Frog” to anyone looking to enhance their productivity and tackle procrastination head-on. The principles laid out by Brian Tracy are adaptable and can be tailored to fit a wide range of disciplines and lifestyles.

Have you used any of Brian Tracy’s tips in your daily life? Or perhaps you’ve found other methods that work better for you? Share your stories and tips in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other.

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