Katiuska Website Design

Katiuska Website Design


A jamtack mobile first website for an energetic voice actress and communicator.

Katiuska Zavala needed a cohesive, professional website to showcase her portfolio and attract clients. Her existing online presence was fragmented, lacking the visual appeal and structure required to effectively represent her diverse skill set.



How can we create a unified, visually appealing website to enhance Katiuska’s online presence?


Developed a modern, responsive website that significantly improved her online visibility, attracting new clients and opportunities.


My role Timeline Tools
UX Designer Jan-Mar 2024 Balsamiq, Hugo, Netlify


The Problem

Fragmented Online Presence

Katiuska’s existing digital footprint was scattered across various platforms, making it difficult for potential clients to navigate and engage with her work. This fragmentation diluted her professional image and hampered her ability to showcase her skills effectively.

The Solution

An engaging portfolio website for Katiuska Zavala

I created an engaging website that showcases Katiuska’s diverse portfolio. Visitors can easily explore her voice acting and communication projects through a user-friendly design. The design highlights her talents and includes sections for client testimonials and upcoming projects. Additionally, I made it simple for Katiuska to update her website on her own, ensuring her portfolio always stays current.


✅ 40% higher leads