Luisa Carrasco
UX Design

Luisa Carrasco

A comprehensive website to establish a clear and engaging online presence for Luisa Carrasco, a digital artist from Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Driven by a passion for art and a desire to connect with a broader audience, I undertook the project to create a website for Luisa Carrasco. The aim was to effectively showcase her diverse artistic skills, including illustration, animation, and teaching, thereby enhancing her visibility and attracting potential clients. This project is a personal initiative to help her communicate her offerings more clearly online.


How might we create a unified online platform that accurately represents Luisa’s artistic services and engages potential clients?


I designed an intuitive and visually appealing website that highlights Luisa's portfolio, making it easier for visitors to understand her offerings and engage with her services.

Role & Timeline

  • UX Designer
  • May ‘23 - Aug ‘23

Final designs

In three months, I developed a website that effectively showcases Luisa’s artistic work and services, enhancing user experience and engagement.


Users can easily navigate through Luisa’s diverse portfolio, allowing them to appreciate her artistic versatility. The design emphasizes visuals, making the artwork the focal point of the site.


Each service is clearly outlined with engaging descriptions. This clarity helps potential clients quickly understand what Luisa offers, from illustration commissions to art classes.


An easy-to-use inquiry form encourages potential clients to reach out directly for more information. This feature aims to increase lead generation by simplifying the contact process.

User research
findings and Results

To gain insights into the needs of potential clients, I conducted 3 semi-structured interviews and surveyed 40 individuals. Here are the findings.
92% of respondents felt unclear about the services offered by artists on social media. Many expressed confusion regarding the specific offerings available.

85% of respondents indicated they prefer detailed descriptions of services when considering hiring an artist. One participant mentioned, "I want to know exactly what I’m getting before I reach out."

70% of respondents stated they would engage more with an artist’s website if it featured a blog or behind-the-scenes content. This content adds a personal touch and builds a connection with the artist.

and ideas

I brainstormed potential layouts and user flows through sketches, focusing on how users would interact with the site’s features.

Final website

I created a user-friendly website that effectively showcases Luisa Carrasco's artistic talents and services. This platform not only enhances her online presence but also facilitates better engagement with potential clients.